Jackson Park Watch Update – July 1, 2016

Greetings all,

Alderman Hairston favors community engagement process as next step for Jackson Park 

Just one month ago many of us attended the meeting Alderman Hairston convened at La Rabida to discuss the future of Jackson Park.  As those who were there recall, it was an overflow crowd, full of people with many questions, all supportive of the Park.

At her monthly ward meeting on Tuesday, June 28, the Alderman reported on that May 31 meeting.  Recounting that she had called the meeting to offer clarity and defuse misperceptions, she noted the differing opinions that had been voiced, but that all who were there showed their concern for the Park.  Continuing on, Hairston said she is now putting together a plan in conjunction with the Park District for next steps.  Reflecting the voices of many in the community, she said she would like to create a community engagement process to further explore what the community wants to see in the Park in the future.  Jackson Park Watch has offered to work with her office to help make this a reality.

Worth a thousand words

Local architect Jim San has created a graphic juxtaposing the rendering of the pavilion that Project 120 wants to put on the parking lot at the north end of Jackson Park with Olmsted’s drawing of the same area.  Jim says “My only comment is that the old saying ‘a picture’s worth a thousand words’ is true.  Olmsted’s drawing is a document that directly conveys his intentions and it must be properly understood.”

(Look for Jim’s highly informative graphic under “worth a thousand words” at the end of the Key Documents portion of this website)

And an appreciation for Olmsted’s vision for theWooded Island

Eric Ginsburg’s recent letter to the Hyde Park Herald also addresses Olmsted’s intentions and recognizes the continuing relevance of Olmsted’s focus on natural spaces.  You can read it at:


Brenda Nelms and Margaret Schmid
Jackson Park Watch
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